It seems that a fair number of you might be getting mad over videogames. Hopefully, this blog will help you in your quest to not be mad over videogames! Specifically, Bullet Bill 3.
General Tips:
Don't look at your character: The game might be based around reflexes but the majority of the game you still get enough time to know what to do. If you hang back on the left, you should be paying attention to the center or the right hand of the screen. Know what's coming up so you can react accordingly. It's how I end up playing rhythm games such as Rock Band or Guitar Hero, you never look at where the notes are playing played, you look at the center and react accordingly.
Don't be afraid to use your ability: The ability functionality was put in to make the game easier, and I give you possibly the most useful one up front, the stop watch. Every time you die you get a small part of ability added to the meter, so if you're really stuck on a level, just die a bunch of times to get a full abiltiy meter, I won't judge you.
If all else fails, you can cheat: If you don't have high reaction time, try pausing the level (using escape/enter/space/middle click), moving your mouse to when it needs to be, and unpausing it again. Hell I don't care about this exploit, I ended up using it in the last few levels! There is also hidden cheats menu somewhere in the main menu where you can unlock everything, or generally mess up the game, but youcan't unlock any medals or save progress while cheats are on.
Boss battles:
Fuck the key: Seriously you guys, if you can't handle the phanto then just don't pick up the key, plain and simple! The game is designed to be able to play back any world you've already completed, you don't have to do everything the first time! Beat the game, unlock the starman ability, and then go back and see if that helps.
Boss pattern: The bosses follow the same patterns they had in Super Mario Bros. 3, when they are out of their shell, attack! Three hits and they're out. When the boss goes from being in their shell to exposing themselves, they always shoot their wand, it stops you from just lurking right next to them for an easy hit.
Bowser can be tough: Bowser also has his ground pound attack which can make that battle a lot harder, after every ground pound he's out of his shell for a few frames, even if he immediately jumps again, try exploiting that if you're really good at timing!
Unlocking characters:
Bonus characters are the easiest to get: From World 2 to 7, there are orange music notes scattered throughout the worlds. by hitting these you launch into the skies. Completing this bonus level and beating the easy boss unlocks a new character. And you don't even have to carry a key! It's perfect!
Phanto is a dick: I love all the comments saying Phanto is too hard, I coded him specifially to be a dick, so it looks like I nailed it! Seriously, I'm happy with myself. My strategy here is quit being bad at videogames.
Phanto is surprisingly easy if you're not terrible at videogames: Phanto's attack pattern is as such, he shows up on the right, stops, and then slowly speed up toward the left, curving towards where you are. Where in this pattern is he most vulnerable? The very beginning! The way to beat a phanto is to pass by him as early as possible.
Seriously you guys it's easy: If you cower to the left of the screen, by the time the phanto reaches you, he's already curved to your general direction, and he's incredibly fast, meaning he can curve a lot more. So don't cower in the left, stay center/right of the screen, where the phanto is slow and can't curve all that well.
Ignore the koopa kids: Phanto will be your biggest enemy in key boss battles, making sure you can avoid the phanto at all costs, and only attack the koopa kids when you know you're safe. The abilities don't work on the phanto (and later on checkpoints don't work either, so be warned) so use these against the koopa kids.
Wendy is incredibly cheap: Maybe you should be better at videogames. Ok I admit Wendy is kind of a bitch. But that was her attack pattern in Super Mario Bros. 3, I had to stay true to the material. The worst thing you can do here is let the rings be fired diagonally. Try to make the first and second rings be shot horizontally, maybe even angled down just a little bit. This will ensure the rings will be bouncing around where the koopa's ship is, leaving the top area safe... well, relatively speaking.
Getting medals:
You can't get medals using the creation tools: There are a lot of level based medals, such as hit 6 enemies in a row, or get killed by a phanto after you cross the ending gate, but you can't get these using the creation tools, sorry! What you can do in the creation tools, however, is get those collective medals. There are a bunch of medals for collecting a lot of coins, hitting a lot of enemies, and so on. Feels free to farm these ones using the creation tools if you really want to.
Misc stuff:
The hidden worlds: If you've completed the main eight worlds, be sure to check your save file. After beating 8-4 the save file moves to World A-1. There are four hidden worlds full of even harder levels for the more insane of you out there!
And that's all I can think to say! Leave a message asking questions you want me to address here and if I can come up with a good enough response I'll add it in. Thanks a bunch to everyone who enjoyed my game, and I hope this helps!
man,the boss part with the key is freakinhard, looks like you didnĀ“t make this game for anyone wins, i liked it ! but i hope to see more animatios from yours, is there any possibility to we watch world 3-4 ? i love this series