View Profile Psycosis91
Ian Kelly @Psycosis91

Age 33, Male

Joined on 7/30/04

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Is it worth it?

Posted by Psycosis91 - October 13th, 2008

My last couple of main flash movies (Thwomps the Movie, Spittin' Narcissism, Awesome Guy and to an extent, Two Slices Of Pie and 1up-Pursuit) all had a personal goal.

With Thwomps The Movie it was to try a develop sprite characters and give them my own backstory. And to keep a movie interesting for a long period of time. I feel I achieved the goal, it's my most popular movie to date.

With Spittin' Narcissism it was just to make a flash movie that was similiar to a hip hop movie video, with quick camera movements and keep it interesting from when the beat starts to when it ends. I still watch this movie and love it, it's probably the only movie I have made that I can still stand watching from start to finish.

Awesome Guy was to make an interesting character without any dialouge. So the user knows what Awesome Guy is like and how he'd react to different situations. My design was originally based on Kirby from the Kirby anime Hoshi No Kaabii (Kirby of the Stars) but then I changed it so Awesome Guy is not the brave type, he's afriad of confrontation and of any companionship.

1up Pursuit wa-, oh god damn it guys, I made this in 2 days and it got #2 of all time, what the hell is wrong with you.

The reaction to 1up Pursuit was so annoying to me, it was so overrated (it still is) to a point where I'm starting to question my efforts to make interesting sprite movies, is it worth it?

I hate it when the wrong movies get popular. I'm not proud of 1up Pursuit, yet it's sonehow extremely popular, and for a while had a better score than a movie I spent 8 months making. I'm proud of Two Slices of Pie, yet it no-one noticed it, it faded away. When the wrong movies get popular, your credibility is shot. If all my sloppy sprite movies got popular no-one would take me seriously, I'd just be 'that sprite animator', I'd be the reason for the sprite movie hate. Or even worse people accuse me of just resting on my so called 'fame'. Someone reviewed Spittin' Narcissism saying it's obvious I'm not trying anymore, I'm just resting on the popularity of Thwomps The Movie. People expecting every movie you make to be better than the previous, despite the time put into it.

Sure I'd love to make a Thwomps the Movie 2, I'd love to take part in this scary halloween competition using a Mario sprite movie. They'd be great challenges and ones I wouldn't back down from. But is it worth it, knowing that I could make a stupid movie in 2 days, and it'll get more praise than anything I put actual effort into.



people seem to have one gigantic boner for that mario chases 1up thing going on

only one i've really liked so far is callum's but i haven't seen your's yet

I agree with you. I've spent years on a movie trying to make it just right for everyone to enjoy. Putting details in backgrounds, making loads of customs sprites, and I think that effort belongs there.

To me, sprite movies are just as artistic as drawn movies here. It's called a parody, an alternate way to give everyone a different feel to a videogame. However, this has been seriously "raped" by the liked of different Flash animations arround.

But no, it's not the animators fault. Alvin Earthworm has a succesful series, and his movies kick major ass. But as we try to make our own original attempts at humor, action and so on, only "OMGMARIOBALLZZZ" seems to get noticed.

My entry for this contest; "The Life-Shroom Sprint" went by almost unnoticed. Maybe I should have named it "Mario does crazy shit and fights Shadow" and people would have 5'd it without even watching.

It's not our fault for making uninteresting media, it is in fact the user's fault for being blind over constructive art we try to present.

secondstamp dont be discouraged PLEASE make more custom'd movies like the life shroom sprint cause oh my g*d i haven't seen a sprite movie that good in a while

How about you put effort into something that isn't a sprite movie?


Sprites are cool. I've seen all your movies and were fine. But maybe you can do your own sprites or try a new style, to improve even more. Good luck!

I'm unsure if making a sprite movie with effort will do any good here. Life Shroom Sprint didn't have much effort put into it at all, if I recall

Jeez... You know, if you really think that ratings and praise are the only things worth making animations for, than I'll say it's not worth it.

But for me... I love accomplishing a movie just for the effort and dedication, they are something to look back on, like a photo. That alone is worth it to me!

Personally, I loved 1up Pursuit. ut I agree with you, it didn't deserve such a high placement on NG. However, I think you shold be pround of it, contrary to your current feelings, even with years of practice, I would be hard pressed to make a sprite movie as good as that in only 2 days.



I don't expect any improvements. I don't expect you to keep on making more movies, or ot rest on what you got. I don't expect your work to be worth it, or not worth it.

The only thing i expect is your submissions (made, or not yet made) amuse me.


I know the feeling. *coughGotWiicough*

personally, I think you should be proud of all your movies, even if some of them took long than others. Maybe the 1-up Pursuit shouldn't of gotten such a good score, but it did, so you should be proud of that.

Whatever you do. It will be great. Sprites are your thing dude. Like it matters people hate sprite movies. People hate gay jokes, people hate newgrounds series with no humor in them. People hate music videos. People hate orginal things. People hate this and that but others love it.

Its called being an artist. You make your art for fun and try to make people understand yourself. Youre not a fame maker. You are a famous sprite animator who just needs to relax and do what they like.

Screw the rants! ITS YOUR MOVIES! You can do ignore reviews or not.

Make a sprite movie with your own characters just to see what happens

You should check out Rina-chan's latest news entry. She and a bunch of animators, both sprite and original, came up with this documetary about the popularity of sprite movies on Newgrounds. I think you may like what you hear.

I definetely know that feeling. I have a sprite movie that I spent 1 day on that right now has a higher score than a fbf movie I spent a month on. Sprite movies are great for NG it seems, but they'll get you nowhere if you actually want to get into real animation for a job.

I discovered somehting like that recently too. my non-sprite movies are very popular compared tomy non-sprite stuff.

Thats what Ive been trying to tell MANY people around. not gonna say names because It will win me a lot of enemies.

I believe you must feel pretty confused at the moment. dont worry... if it makes yu feel better it will go down in time???

the voting system in ng does not work at all.

like my partner nic just said, yes. quit sprtes because I ant to animate for real, and lets face it, if you want to truly grow your skills you hae to try new stuff.

Sprtes are overrated tho but its not our fault. its the audienceĀ“s fault.

thats the reason why awesome movies and hentai movies get like 400,000 views and 4.29 as score or so.

seriusly... the interent is like.. the worse audience ever :(

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